Finally I can install TTF Font (Microsoft Font) On Fedora Server 10....
hehehehe.... :P
Alfter usual use UBUNTU DESKTOP that so easy to install fonts which have extension TTF like this....
ok.. Broo....
to the Point ....
For installing MS Fonts or TTF Fonts is
enter command line / shell /console / press button alt+ctrl+F2
$ su - root
Password:******(enter your password root)
# wget (download ms font)
# yum install rpm-build cabextract ttmkfdir popt-devel (install all dependences)
# wget (download chkfontpath)
# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck chkfontpath-1.10.1-2.fc10.i386.rpm (install chkfontpath)
#rpmbuild -ba msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec (build ms font from .spec to .rpm)
# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/msttcorefonts-2.0-1.noarch.rpm (install ms font hehehe :D)
and for you who wanna install TTF font the ways is here
Copy all .ttf files into one folders for example on /usr/share/fonts/TTF/
#(root mode : On)
# cd /home/user/download/font/ (when you take the .ttf files there folder)
# mkdir /usr/share/fonts/TTF/ ( create folder for your fonts ...)
# cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/TTF/ (now....copy all files to the new folders)
# cd /usr/share/fonts/TTF/ (move to the folder have been created)
# ttmkfdir (now you create fonts.scale files in that folder)
# mkfontdir (now you are indexing TTF files)
# chkfontpath -a /usr/share/fonts/TTF (and you are adding the path of new TTF Files to the master path)
# fc-cache (the last you are building font cache info ....)
Be..... Finish bro.....
Finally its Over
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